Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Drop the Plastic Bag!


A message came yesterday from Sacha Noordin, who created a Drop the Plastic Bag cause about 250,000 people adopting this brilliant idea on Facebook.

YAY! 250k strong!
A Big Thanks to each and everyone of you for helping reach this goal. It might be a number to some, but it does show in the 2 years since this started, from just one person (me) believing in this, 250,000 people now do. And just imagine the influence this 250,000 have had. Immeasuarable!
I noticed sign-ups have slowed down lately, but I attribute this to the much larger awareness of not using plastic bags and that people are showing their allegience to a lot more similar causes, wheather on Facebook or elsewhere. Which is a good thing.
Thanks and a shout out to Alex Eaves, Chris, Lush Limited, Daniella and Rodrigo for recruiting so many.
Thanks and bye!

Sacha Noordin
Cause Creator

Look her up on Facebook if you have an account there.

I'm just wondering how many people of the 250K strong actually grasp the idea and start dropping the plastic bag for real.

I know I'm one of those who had minimized accepting plastic bags. This applies to stupid
disposable 'straw' and 'coffee cup'. When you think about these, how can you trust that it's cleaner than the ones that have been washed manually in the seemingly dirty corner of the restaurant? I just can't believe anything coming out of a production line would be more clean.


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